Job seeking has always been a challenge for new grads. Not only are they learning new career skills, but figuring out the ins and outs of job hunting for the first time. And when currently facing a soft employment market caused by COVID-19, junior job seekers really need to go the extra mile to land their first gig.

Hirewell’s James Hornick is joined by Adam Cook, the Associate Director, Engagement & Outreach at DePaul University. Adam is focused on bridging the gap between their students and talent teams at companies looking to hire and develop new talent, so he has some interesting insights into what both new grads and companies can do in the current environment.

They discuss: 

  • Current market analysis – who is hiring entry-level employees right now?
  • Advice to new grads – insights on how to adjust your search.
  • Advice to companies – how to make yourself attractive to new grads, and what to do in an uncertain environment.

Connect with James Hornick and Adam Cook

James Hornick’s LinkedIn page 
Adam Cook’s LinkedIn page

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